According to lock and key model, a particular enzyme acts on a particular substrate like particular lock can be unlocked by a particular key. This theory depends upon physical contact between substrate and enzyme molecules.
According to induced fit model, when a substrate combines with an enzyme, it induces changes in the enzyme structure, this change enables the enzyme to perform its catalytic activity more effectively.
Fluid mosaic model: According to the fluid mosaic model, the lipid bilayer is retainedas the core of the membrane. The structure and arrangement of membrane proteins in the fluid-mosaic model are like icebergs in the sea. The proteins occur as a 'mosaic' of discontinuous particlest that penetrate deeplyinto and even completely through thel lipid sheet. Hence, this option is correct.
According to sandwich model or unit membrane model, cell membrane is composed of lipid bilayer sandwiched between inner and outer layers of protein.
Fluid mosaic model: According to the fluid mosaic model, the lipid bilayer is retainedas the core of the membrane. The structure and arrangement of membrane proteins in the fluid-mosaic model are like icebergs in the sea. The proteins occur as a 'mosaic' of discontinuous particlest that penetrate deeplyinto and even completely through thel lipid sheet. Hence, this option is correct.